Monday, March 26, 2012


I spent the nicest Sunday doing my first official photo shoot with my lovely friends, Kirsty and Monique. After much snapping, tea drinking and treat-eating I found the results to be just wonderful. Here they are...

The clothes are a combination of vintage, new and a few pieces from my collection xoxo

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Public holiday bliss, time to play with my new friend, camera. Did a mini shoot with me, myself and I today and toyed with natural light. I got the tripod to work - hoorah! So it was a little easier, and a surprisingly good workout (check settings, click, run to position, hold position, run back to check picture, adjust settings, click, run back to position!).

I couldn't get the focus quite right with the self timer and all the running around, but am quite happy with the soft focus effect <3

Had fun with this pretty bow and red lips! Not sure if I have the post production thing down, but tried to keep things as natural as possible :) Any tips are welcome!


I love learning!!

Hello hello! Things have been so busy with the label and I've been feeling like I need an alternative creative outlet. So I've decided to try my hand at fashion photography. I've just been playing around with self portraits, only for lack of having a model to practice on (i.e. not narcissism). I'm just starting out, so don't laugh, ok. This is what I've done :)


 I did these in my bathroom and had to hold the camera myself, hence the slight MySpacey look. I couldn't get the tripod to work, but later realized that the screw plate was missing. Facepalm.